Thursday, May 28, 2009

Halfway around the block

I went to the Asian Market today to get some chicken feet for the dogs. Apparently it's a cultural favorite to eat them fried or cooked I guess. But it was the least weird thing in the meat department there. What on earth is squab? Is that really pigeon? But there were all different types of meats and all different parts. It was really an eye-opener and kinda fun that you can feel so lost when only 10 miles from your house. All I know is that the dogs love the chicken feet and they're extremely good for them. So ... for them I lose myself in culture.

Friday, May 8, 2009


I'm counting calories now and really watching what I eat. Today starts the real diet for me and it's going to be so tough, especially going to Neil's parents for the weekend where all they do is load us up on sweets and whole milk. Blech. I'm going to bring some water bottles and some crystal light packets so at least ONE thing with my meals will be calorie-free.

This morning, had one egg and a cup of coffee with a small bit of milk and sweetened with Splenda. Had some carrots just before going for a nice long walk with the dogs (who are both now passed out on the floor). Not quite sure what I'm going to do for lunch but it will probably consist of some mini oranges, applesauce and some edemame.

The cat just pooped in the litter box, which unfortunately is in my office. It smells awful in here. I'll have to finish up at a later time. Must ... get ... clean ... oxygen.

Monday, May 4, 2009

April showers bring....

It's May already ...... MAY! How is that even possible?

I recently joined in on the Twitter fad, but I honestly don't think it's going anywhere. Facebook really is the "all-encompassing" application for my needs and honestly, why do people really need to be updated on my every move? Plus, I don't get unlimited texts, so the bill could really add up.

I've been staying busy. We're trying to figure out a time when we can get the house painted and we're struggling with whether to have it painted or painting most of it ourselves. A family friend should be able to do the whole house for $1500 and if that's the case it's a done deal. Having the house painted will help its appearance so much. I can hardly stand the wait.

Everyone seems to be losing their jobs these days. The economy is the most talked about media-bit in the last 12 months and increasingly so over the last few months. The unemployment rates have skyrocketed and I'm praying every day that Neil and I are able to both stay employed. Times aren't looking good for publications, the advertising isn't coming in as it used to. Neil's bank is looking healthy though, and my magazine is hanging in there. We can't ask for better than that at this point.

Some things coming up in the future ... Mother's Day, doggy dash to benefit the SSPCA and another walk we're doing before a Journey concert at Raley Field. It's going to be another busy month and before you know it, June will be here.
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