I turned 27 this year. Neil planned the most romantic, surprise, long Halloween weekend trip for us to Los Angeles/Disneyland to celebrate. It was such a fantastic time! Disneyland is phenomenal during Halloween. Jack-o-lanterns and orange flowers everywhere, and the Haunted Mansion was decorated to the theme of The Nightmare Before Christmas. The kids in their costumes were adorable and the weather couldn't have been better. Makes me want to spend Halloween that way every year. Although I know one year it would be so much fun to go if we ever have a child. I was about to tear up seeing everyone else's little cuties ... watching the little ones' eyes light up when they saw Mickey or Tinkerbell. It was a blast, and of course I love my husband all the more for it. He really knows how to make me feel like a million bucks. :)

But now we're back into the swing of things and getting ready for the next big holidays. Thanksgiving is just around the corner. In two weeks we'll be at the cabin with Neil's family and all the dogs, getting ready to go Christmas tree hunting on Mt. Shasta. And then the day we get home we'll begin transforming the house to Christmas.
And as usual for the Oliver side of my family, we have another elderly family member in the hospital during the holidays. My great aunt went in for a hip replacement surgery and had a minor stroke during the procedure. Her lucidity is night and day now from before her operation and that worries me. Hopefully the stroke is something she'll be able to work through but it seems for now her hometown will be Elk Grove, instead of the beautiful Monterey Bay she's accustomed to. It's so incredibly hard to watch your family age. And man does it happen quickly. Time has no sympathy. It's just business as usual. Something we should all do well to remember.