Step 1: Pretend Ice is Food:
Let's face it, they don't know the difference.
You may even find that your basset loves ice and refuses to give it up when asked to.
Step 2: Exercise Your Basset Hound
You'd be surprised how quickly these chubs can run when put to the test. In this photo, the basset demonstrates her determination to be first to the food (ice) bowl.

Step 3: Cuddle Your Basset Hound
A properly cuddled basset hound is a happier basset hound, and the extra attention keeps their minds out of the food in the kitchen or the litter boxes in the office.
Step 4: Provide A Proper Bed
Bassets need adequate sleep. Make sure the bed is as big as possible, and the less pillows the better.
By utilizing these four helpful tips, you'll soon be on your way to life with a happy, healthy basset.