Thursday, November 8, 2007

Our new house

So Neil and I are all moved into our new house; things are finally out of their boxes and in their general areas of belonging. It's been a rough couple of months, filled with many happy and memorable moments worthy of a good story telling years down the road.

Being a home owner is everything they say it is. Exciting, but extremely terrifying. I am constantly worrying about how we're going to have enough money for this, and what if we don't have enough money for that. I just have to keep praying that God will keep providing means as he has so generously in the past.

We've been in the house two weeks now. The spa is leaking and we've rendered it useless. My body is still in bad shape and I'll be seeing a specialist next week. Each one of those doctor visits costs me $20... even if I am only there for a referral or a consultation. And then on the way to work this morning my car decided it wanted to take the opportunity to remind me that it is in fact old... by over heating. Damn. What's the next thing? I haven't even sent in the first payment to the mortgage and already I' m feeling overwhelmed. Hopefully we'll find a way though. We always have in the past.

Anyway. Thing are great in the house. It's nice to have our own garage and driveway and front lawn to mow. The only problem we have at the moment with the neighbors is the guy next door has 3 rottweilers that like to bark whenever you go outside (or breathe!)

But for our first two weeks in suburbia, I'd say we're doing just fine. I'll post some pictures when we're further along in the stages of decor.


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