We experienced another celebrity death trifecta yesterday. Farrah Faucet passed away yesterday morning, followed by the legend Michael Jackson a few hours later (from cardiac arrest). A few days prior to this news, Ed McMahon passed away.
Anyway, I'm only mentioning this all for documentation. I really, truly, honestly couldn't care less that these three celebrities left this world. They really didn't mean much to me. I can see how so many people would care about MJ because he was such a phenomenon. But I do believe he was finally served a lethal dose of karma for all the messed up things he's done. At least we have some good cd's to listen to. He did give us that much.
In other news, we moved offices from our old location to our new location downtown. We are now right on J st near the freeway, within walking distance of the Downtown Plaza Mall and Old Sacramento. So many opportunities abound here and I'm sure much fun is to be had by all us young women in the office. There is a farmer's market that happens right outside the front of our office building every Thursday morning, so I'm really excited about that. I'm going to take some cash with me this coming week and pick up some fresh corn and fruit to take with us when we go to the cabin. That trip can't get here soon enough.
But for now, I'm going to go put my aching body down on the couch. I ate so much sushi I can barely breathe. Time to go let the calories turn themselves to fat. Oh holy moley.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Brace Yourselves
For the last year now I have been noticing an aching in my wrists and fingers when I wake up each morning, which only worsens after a full day of work on the computer. Recently, about 2 weeks ago is when I first noticed it, the "aching" turned to "weakening." I just thought I had a weak grip when I could no longer open jars, and weak wrists when I could no longer hold a casserole dish or a pot of water with one hand. And tonight it was hard to even take the gallon of milk out of the fridge without catching it with my backup hand.
Carpal Tunnel. Apparently 3x more women suffer from it than men. Figures. I wonder if 3x more women tend to have computer-based jobs: secretary, admin assistant, etc. (Am I being too sexist here?)
My dad is a certified ergonomics assessor. He knows exactly what causes and creates carpal tunnel and how to prevent it. So at his chiropractor's suggestion I bought braces to wear while I sleep. I am also getting in the habit of icing down my wrists and hands each night after work and taking a butt-load of Ibuprofen (yes, butt-load is a real adjective. def: a whole heck of a lot). As a result, I'll probably end up with a bleeding stomach, but at this point that's the lesser of my evils. I have to keep my wrists and hands in good shape. They're my livelihood. And, if we ever do end up having a child, I want to be able to care for him/her. I want to be supportive and self-sufficient. If I have to rely on Neil for everything with childcare I know he'll start to resent me. It might not be intentionally, but I know it would eventually happen that way.
So here I am. Trying to heal myself and hoping I've caught it in time to avoid surgery.
In other news, my office is moving downtown this Friday. Gone are the days of a back-roads commute and abundant parking. Hello to city parking garages and freeway congestion. But supposedly, if I time it right, I can make it to the office from Elk Grove in 20 minutes. If that's true, it'll actually be a faster commute for me, down from my usual 45.
Carpal Tunnel. Apparently 3x more women suffer from it than men. Figures. I wonder if 3x more women tend to have computer-based jobs: secretary, admin assistant, etc. (Am I being too sexist here?)
My dad is a certified ergonomics assessor. He knows exactly what causes and creates carpal tunnel and how to prevent it. So at his chiropractor's suggestion I bought braces to wear while I sleep. I am also getting in the habit of icing down my wrists and hands each night after work and taking a butt-load of Ibuprofen (yes, butt-load is a real adjective. def: a whole heck of a lot). As a result, I'll probably end up with a bleeding stomach, but at this point that's the lesser of my evils. I have to keep my wrists and hands in good shape. They're my livelihood. And, if we ever do end up having a child, I want to be able to care for him/her. I want to be supportive and self-sufficient. If I have to rely on Neil for everything with childcare I know he'll start to resent me. It might not be intentionally, but I know it would eventually happen that way.
So here I am. Trying to heal myself and hoping I've caught it in time to avoid surgery.
In other news, my office is moving downtown this Friday. Gone are the days of a back-roads commute and abundant parking. Hello to city parking garages and freeway congestion. But supposedly, if I time it right, I can make it to the office from Elk Grove in 20 minutes. If that's true, it'll actually be a faster commute for me, down from my usual 45.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Patience (a virtue not yet mastered)
I've found myself growing restless. For what, I'm not entirely sure. Several things. I just wish we were at a more comfortable place in life to accomplish the things I have in mind. A new (to me) car is in the near future, whether I like the idea or not. So, it's on the horizon and competing with other adventures. We'd like to put in new floors in our house because the carpet is so nasty. But with the necessary new car, the dream of new floors is thereby set aside.
And as I get older (27 this year), I find myself noticing families growing all around me. Is this actually the fact of life that has made me the most restless? Even after all my resisting it? Could I possibly want a little family? The answer is yes. Not a big one. Just one, single addition. That's it. I don't think I could emotionally or physically handle more. I know Neil will have a hard time even with one, so I really don't want to overextend what I can manage myself. Although I'm hoping that he'll soften up whenever that day comes. He's so patient with me and my episodes that I think he'd be great with a child. Whether he wants to admit that or acknowledge it or not. But now is not the time for any of that. It hurts to even think about it knowing there's nothing I can do right now. We just don't have the finances, plain and simple. And who knows if either of us will have our jobs next week or next month or next year. I just can't help wondering when it will be our time, if ever. Just have to trust that God will let us know.
Geez. The things I think about when working alone at home. Not good.
And as I get older (27 this year), I find myself noticing families growing all around me. Is this actually the fact of life that has made me the most restless? Even after all my resisting it? Could I possibly want a little family? The answer is yes. Not a big one. Just one, single addition. That's it. I don't think I could emotionally or physically handle more. I know Neil will have a hard time even with one, so I really don't want to overextend what I can manage myself. Although I'm hoping that he'll soften up whenever that day comes. He's so patient with me and my episodes that I think he'd be great with a child. Whether he wants to admit that or acknowledge it or not. But now is not the time for any of that. It hurts to even think about it knowing there's nothing I can do right now. We just don't have the finances, plain and simple. And who knows if either of us will have our jobs next week or next month or next year. I just can't help wondering when it will be our time, if ever. Just have to trust that God will let us know.
Geez. The things I think about when working alone at home. Not good.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Putting faces to the names
Thought I would post a picture of our two girls, just so my many many readers can finally put a face to a name.
Our basset hound is Lola, and she is the happiest dog you will ever meet. Nothing gets her down. I really wish I could live in a world like hers. She is 2 years old, 40lbs and stands 13.5" at the withers, and is quite a character. She gets into everything, eats everything, and is stubborn as a rock. But we adore her. She is our comic relief and that is a quality we are always thankful for. We adopted her from a private party last August and she has really made Lucy very happy with her companionship.

This is Lucy, our black Great Dane(ty). We call her this because at 95lbs, she is about 30-50lbs lighter than most female danes. Her bones are thinner and she's relatively small. Her chest is not as deep as the standard, but her legs are long and she stands 33" at the withers. We adopted her from a Great Dane rescue when she was 8 months old. She's 2 years old now. She's a sweet, cautious, beautiful girl, and is my heart dog. I dread the day I lose her.

Here are the girls on the golf course at our cabin at Mt. Shasta/lake Shastina. It's such a good place for them to run and run like crazy. Lola keeps up pretty well with the long-legged Lucy.
Our basset hound is Lola, and she is the happiest dog you will ever meet. Nothing gets her down. I really wish I could live in a world like hers. She is 2 years old, 40lbs and stands 13.5" at the withers, and is quite a character. She gets into everything, eats everything, and is stubborn as a rock. But we adore her. She is our comic relief and that is a quality we are always thankful for. We adopted her from a private party last August and she has really made Lucy very happy with her companionship.

This is Lucy, our black Great Dane(ty). We call her this because at 95lbs, she is about 30-50lbs lighter than most female danes. Her bones are thinner and she's relatively small. Her chest is not as deep as the standard, but her legs are long and she stands 33" at the withers. We adopted her from a Great Dane rescue when she was 8 months old. She's 2 years old now. She's a sweet, cautious, beautiful girl, and is my heart dog. I dread the day I lose her.

Here are the girls on the golf course at our cabin at Mt. Shasta/lake Shastina. It's such a good place for them to run and run like crazy. Lola keeps up pretty well with the long-legged Lucy.

Just 7 months to go
I really wish I were better at updating this thing. But I rarely have something so deeply interesting to share that it's worth writing down and saving for later.
Neil and I booked our stay in Oahu/Maui in January. His parents are letting us use their time in their condo/timeshare on Maui and so we're taking the opportunity to visit a good friend who lives on Oahu while we're there. Since the lodgings are covered, we really only need to come up with the airfare for this 1 1/2 week stay in paradise. We are "finding" this money for the tickets by only painting the front of our house, instead of the entire exterior as originally planned. This much we can do ourselves and save the money for something more relaxing that we'll get more out of ... maybe not in the long run of course, but vacations and getaways keep you healthy. It's good for your mind and body to get out of your routine and see a beautiful tropical island in the process. I'm excited and January can't come fast enough. I think this is the first time in my life I've ever wished the winter would hurry up and get here. Plus, it's good to get in one more long vacation before the day comes when we might not be able to so easily drop everything and go. I will not take it for granted.
We've been having issues with our neighbor's two rottweilers attacking our fence and barking at us every time we step into our backyard. A few weeks ago they broke through the fence and went after our basset hound, Lola. Luckily she wasn't hurt, but it could have been much worse than it was. Regardless, we expected the neighbor to remedy the situation by fixing the broken gate on the dog run on the other side of his house. Well, he didn't. We suffered through two more weeks of annoying, frothing, barking, rabid dogs trying to kill us every time we cut the grass, pulled weeds, grilled, took out the trash, let the dogs out, walked, talked, breathed ... I got to the point where I was composing a letter in my mind to tape to his door, or at least to speak to him if I could ever catch him home. Then yesterday, just as I had made up my mind to confront him (nicely), I happened to notice they were back in the dog run. Thank the lord, we can go back to enjoying our yard again. I was dreading making it an issue since he's not a very nice guy, but thankfully my prayers were answered the way I wanted them to be.
Our new favorite TV show is True Blood. We can't stop watching it. The 2nd season just started and it's already got me riveted and antsy for the next week. It's full of violence, wit, humor, sex, satire, diversity, racism, hate, love and everything in between. Now that's some good tv.
Neil and I booked our stay in Oahu/Maui in January. His parents are letting us use their time in their condo/timeshare on Maui and so we're taking the opportunity to visit a good friend who lives on Oahu while we're there. Since the lodgings are covered, we really only need to come up with the airfare for this 1 1/2 week stay in paradise. We are "finding" this money for the tickets by only painting the front of our house, instead of the entire exterior as originally planned. This much we can do ourselves and save the money for something more relaxing that we'll get more out of ... maybe not in the long run of course, but vacations and getaways keep you healthy. It's good for your mind and body to get out of your routine and see a beautiful tropical island in the process. I'm excited and January can't come fast enough. I think this is the first time in my life I've ever wished the winter would hurry up and get here. Plus, it's good to get in one more long vacation before the day comes when we might not be able to so easily drop everything and go. I will not take it for granted.
We've been having issues with our neighbor's two rottweilers attacking our fence and barking at us every time we step into our backyard. A few weeks ago they broke through the fence and went after our basset hound, Lola. Luckily she wasn't hurt, but it could have been much worse than it was. Regardless, we expected the neighbor to remedy the situation by fixing the broken gate on the dog run on the other side of his house. Well, he didn't. We suffered through two more weeks of annoying, frothing, barking, rabid dogs trying to kill us every time we cut the grass, pulled weeds, grilled, took out the trash, let the dogs out, walked, talked, breathed ... I got to the point where I was composing a letter in my mind to tape to his door, or at least to speak to him if I could ever catch him home. Then yesterday, just as I had made up my mind to confront him (nicely), I happened to notice they were back in the dog run. Thank the lord, we can go back to enjoying our yard again. I was dreading making it an issue since he's not a very nice guy, but thankfully my prayers were answered the way I wanted them to be.
Our new favorite TV show is True Blood. We can't stop watching it. The 2nd season just started and it's already got me riveted and antsy for the next week. It's full of violence, wit, humor, sex, satire, diversity, racism, hate, love and everything in between. Now that's some good tv.
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