So far I've lost about 2.5 pounds. It doesn't seem like a lot with all the changes I've made in the diet but they keep saying in our weekly meetings that while losing weight, you have to wait. That changes to your lifestyle won't result in instant gratifications. This is the hardest part for me because I'm such a results-oriented person. I want PAY OFF! My first time getting weighed in after a week of being on the weight watchers plan saw me gaining half a pound. It's really not that big of deal but when I was counting on losing 2-3 pounds a week (the healthy recommended loss amount) I was a bit disappointed. But that's ok because the next time I was in I was down 2 pounds and lost another 1/2 pound the following week.
So, here I am. I think I weigh less now but who knows. I wasn't very good this weekend and I ate not only a huge bowl of cinnamon toasters (which won't happen again now that i've polished off the box), but I had a huge cheese quesadilla and 5 tequila sunrises while out with friends last night. But it was worth it. If I went out with friends several times a week then I would be concerned. Most nights we were at home, in our kitchen, having our veggie-laden meals. It's nice to be with friends, and it's nice to slack off a bit and cut loose when around them.
And besides ... who could actually resist the quesadilla pirate? Certainly not me!
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