Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Man, the last two days have been COLD! We went from 100º heat to 70's in only a few days and the change in the barometer has brought me a headache ... but nothing I can't handle. Just another reminder that winter is just around the corner. I'm not really a fan of the cold if I have to be outside, but I love bundling under blankets and drinking hot tea while watching t.v. I also like wearing layered clothing, and in the California valleys, winter is really the only chance you get to do that comfortably.

My dad quit his job a few weeks back and already started his first day on his new job in Turlock. I'm so excited for him. The hours are going to take getting used to as he now works Sunday through Thursday, but we're so thankful he was able to find employment in this crazy job market. The blessings definitely outweigh any downsides to this situation, if there even are that many. My brother also starts his new job on Monday. My family is full of likable, talented people. I am so proud of them all.

October is a great time of year, and tomorrow is the first day of it. I just can't believe I'll be 27 this year. It's just so close to 30. I wish you could still celebrate birthdays without thinking about age. *sigh* Oh well. It's fun to grow old with someone at least. And I'm glad that someone likes carving pumpkins with me. :)

Oh yeah, I was finally able to get an appointment with the dermatology center and I have a skin screening on Tuesday. I'm a little nervous. I know I have two moles that need to be removed but I'm not sure if they're going to do them the day of my appointment or if I have to reschedule a time. It's not going to be pleasant. One of them I've had since birth and it sits right on my lovely butt cheek. I was told by a dermatologist in 2006 that it needed to be scooped out and stitched up. I ask Neil "what if they have to remove half my ass?" He tried to make a joke about hoping they don't do a half-assed job of it. ha. haha. ha.

Anyway, that's the news for now. Such an uneventful update.


Ally said...

Glad you are doing well. That is funny about your, um, bum.I mean the comments you made, not the situation. My dad actually had a cancerous spot removed from his bum a couple of months ago. Everything turned out well.
I turned 27 on Monday and it was pretty crappy to realize that I am that old! But I was able to cheer myself up with the accomplishments that I have. You will do the same!

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