Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Another hurdle

It always seems that just when I'm excited about our upcoming trip and all the relaxation that's in store for me, another bump lands in our road. As if to make me feel guilty for going on vacation. As if to say "hey, you shouldn't be spending money." I already know this is the last big vacation we'll have in a very long while, so I hardly think it's fair I should be reminded so repeatedly and so expensively that we are not well off and need to save every penny.

So, on top of Neil's two trips to the ER and my car breaking down earlier in the month ... Neil's saab decides to call it quits on Christmas Eve. The sad part is that it may be beyond repair. The car itself isn't worth more than $1500 in running condition and its current diagnosis is engine failure. A new engine costs more to repair than the car is worth. So, we may end up with a new(er) car and a payment that I am nowhere near ready to wrap my mind around.

But, things have always worked out for us in the past, so I know this hurdle will be no different. Because it's all about the attitude. It's just going to take some thinking, and some financial reorganizing, some deal hunting, and some know how. (did I just write "know how?") And even if the idea of getting second jobs is no longer idle chit chat for us, we'll do what we have to to make it work, like Tim Gunn tells us to.


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