The flooring was ordered last week and we're waiting for it to come in so we can pick it up at the warehouse. We got a beautiful walnut color, 12mm thick, for only $1.49 a sq ft. We ordered 850 sq ft. I'm hoping it actually looks great once we have it installed, hard to imagine when all you have to go on is a small 5x5 sample.
We began ripping up the linoleum Monday evening. It was glued much more than we assumed it would be, so we're having a heck of a time scraping it off the concrete slab. Slowly and surely, this will get done. Especially with the help of our awesome, die-hard friends who are helping us through our process. We are very, very thankful for all of them and apologize in advance for any wounds or broken body parts when we're done. :)
This is our kitchen floor under the knife.

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