My husband and I attended his 10-year reunion shortly after my great aunt's wake. It was an interesting change of gear. But we were able to meet up with some old friends (our two best men in our wedding) and carpool with them to the event. Which I was grateful for. I do better in groups of people I'm comfortable with and having my cozy security blanket of friends with me allowed me to relax.
The reunion was held in a huge room at the Coconut Grove on the Santa Cruz boardwalk. It was a beautiful sun room that allowed us to watch the sunset as the evening progressed. As much as I enjoyed that feature, the room was too big for the small attendance of people and we ended up paying way too much for a reunion that didn't give much back. We were promised drink tickets with the $75 a person price but once we got there learned it was a cash bar only. Lame. Luckily, we brought along a flask. Hopefully someone else will be planning the next one.
The people I met were really nice and it was good to finally be able to put a face to the names I've heard for the last 8 years. No one seemed too fat although I was told it's because I didn't know them in high school. One girl actually "grew up" to be a legit porn star. That's special. She sure liked to show it off too, although I felt some satisfaction upon seeing the cellulite on the back of her legs/glutes (yes, her skirt was that short.)
I think what surprised us the most was how few people had kids. We were certain we'd be in the minority since it seems parenthood is something everyone jumps into. But even after 10 years, there were only a small handful of couples with kids. One of Neil's friends with kids seemed really disappointed and missed her career. One more reason why I'm afraid to take that leap.
We called it a night early and had some coffee with our friends we carpooled with and another couple who have mutual friends with us in Sacramento. They were in their college band together in Fresno. The world is just too small sometimes.
It was a fun night, but when all is said and done ... 10 years doesn't make a big enough difference in people. Or so I'm told.
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