1) I see dead people. Well, not really. But I see weird-shaped containers/shady objects and instantly wonder if there's a body inside. For example, while driving in the fast lane I notice a strange bump in the blacktop of the center median emergency lane. It's a good sized bump with no grade to it, just flat road and then a long, round bump about the size of a speed bump. I instantly think "whoa, the road crew buried a body under the pavement." Another example, on one of our surface streets near the house the landscapers had finished the quarterly tree-pruning and black hefty bags lined the street for two weeks. I kept thinking about body parts rotting away inside. And another example, one evening while driving through a shopping center parking lot I see a man open a trunk and shove something inside. "Oh my God, he just put a body in the trunk." Neil says "no, I'm pretty sure there was already a person in there."
2) I twist my hair. A lot. It's almost incessant when I'm driving a car. Right hand on the steering wheel, left hand propped up on the side door twiddling a strip of hair. I was in heaven today after noticing the girl I was driving behind was doing exactly the same thing. We were soul sisters and my heart sank a little when I exited and she continued South. I'm always afraid a CHP officer will see my hand so close to my ear and pull me over for using a cell phone. That will be a fun one to dispute; "You see officer, I have this nervous tic that requires me to twist my hair in any number of fashions while driving ... here, let me demonstrate it for you." And today I was really enjoying my hair twiddling. It had the perfect consistency of oil to product and it felt nice between my fingers. It actually made the ride home seem shorter, which I welcome on a Friday. Yes, I am a complete weirdo.
3) I want a coat made out of my basset hound's ears. Who wouldn't? They're made of velvet, in the purest form.
[Insert Cruella laugh here.]

I see dead people, too. I thought I was the only one. LOL
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