Monday, September 6, 2010

We do lazy good

We do lazy good.

So good, I can't muster the use of proper grammar.

Neil and I took the canines to our cabin up in Weed. It's a small city nestled at the base of Mt. Shasta. I've written about it several times but I'm too lazy to link to those entries. Find them yourselves.

I think I killed some brain cells on Sunday. We woke up late and I overexerted myself making breakfast. Scrambled eggs and coffee. I broke a sweat letting the dogs outside. It was tough work bending down and hooking them up to their tie out. After saying "go be a good girl" three times, I was out of breath.

So we retired to our respective couches. We watched Star Trek Generations, which inspired me to use my last remaining energy cell to lift the remote and change the channel to the Style network, which is where it stayed for the next 5 hours. That's a lot of Bridezilla for one day.

Taking a shower was done only out of respect for my husband/cabin mate because he was in the process of cooking me a tasty dinner and I owed him one. But unfortunately, that too was exhausting and he passed out on the couch soon after, leaving me to watch Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves by myself. His loss. Not mine.

And then, on our final day, we hit the road home after 2.5 blissfully relaxing days at the base of a beautiful mountain. During the traffic-ridden 5-hour drive, we were almost run off the road by a jackass in a lifted truck with a trailer. He obviously forgot he was towing something as we watched him almost run three other vehicles off the road. Luckily, it was just the amount of adrenaline I needed to unleash a string of expletives and a massive horn-honking in his direction.

And now, it's 11:30pm, and I couldn't sleep if my life depended on it. Laziness does have its downsides after all.


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