Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Good things

Phew, it's been awhile.

Life continues to be great. Not always super, but I can hardly complain. My complaints sound so petty when generally I can't believe how good I've actually got it. I am thankful for this every day.

Every. Single. Day.

Some more good things to add to the list:

1. Grandpa has been in the hospital for the past several weeks after some complications from a routine quadruple-bypass. There was a point where I just knew I'd be booking a flight to Savannah to experience a very sad, sad day. But just after hearing of his grave condition, that night he wakes up in his sleep and decides to get back to normal. I'm a-ok with that.

2. I got a chance to hang out with my family for a combined birthday celebration for me and my brother. It's fun having October birthdays. Such a lovely time of year.

3. Our friends are awesome to hang out with.

4. Our dogs are the best.

5. We have a place to live that keeps me dry and warm.

6. Although my car is on its way out, it still works its hardest to keep me safe and always has.

7. Neil keeps me sane, even when he drives me to insanity. <3

8. We both still have our jobs.

I am so blessed.
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