Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How to keep your basset hound thin

Step 1: Pretend Ice is Food:

Let's face it, they don't know the difference.

You may even find that your basset loves ice and refuses to give it up when asked to.

Step 2: Exercise Your Basset Hound
You'd be surprised how quickly these chubs can run when put to the test. In this photo, the basset demonstrates her determination to be first to the food (ice) bowl.

Step 3: Cuddle Your Basset Hound
A properly cuddled basset hound is a happier basset hound, and the extra attention keeps their minds out of the food in the kitchen or the litter boxes in the office.

Step 4: Provide A Proper Bed
Bassets need adequate sleep. Make sure the bed is as big as possible, and the less pillows the better.

By utilizing these four helpful tips, you'll soon be on your way to life with a happy, healthy basset.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A reason, a season or a lifetime

My mom had a fridge magnet that said "friends come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime." Not everyone was meant to stay with us forever. Remembering this always makes it easier for me to close off a relationship, knowing that they've probably already served their purpose in my life. It helped during every move my family made while I was growing up and it helps me now as an adult.

I chose to terminate a friendship. Not on hurtful terms, but just because our lives have taken different paths that have no future of crossing again. And this is a good place to leave it; our two paths running parallel, as opposed to apart. If we see each other around town we can say hi with ease, and respect each others existence. We just won't be hanging out, having dinner, sharing moments. Which is fine and definitely for the best.

As Neil so poignantly put it ... "Sometimes the best way to be a friend is to stop being a friend." Couldn't have put it better myself.

Friday, May 7, 2010

The editing block

A former coworker of mine has a blog. She was an assistant editor and one of the most annoying human beings I've ever had the displeasure of working with. Needless to say, I wasn't sad to see her go. I was, however, grateful to discover her blog. It has served as a source of humor and entertainment for me and other coworkers in the building who had to "do time" with her.

But no matter how much I enjoy reading her misguided and pitiful entries, knowing full well she doesn't have the slightest idea who she is as a person, I still find this story a bit unnerving:

I was sitting in our editor-in-chief's office when our managing editor hands him some papers and says "let's put this in the lineup." It was the latest entry from this ex employee's blog; printed and in the hands of the grand office poobah. At the time I thought it was hysterical. It really was a ridiculous entry. But then I realized what a nightmare it would be for my own blog to be found. I'm sure I would be spared no shame.It's a good thing I have nothing to hide ... but just the same, it's incredibly easy to break someone's spirit.

Guess I'll just have to hope it stays in the shadows.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

An empty list

The floor is down. The baseboards are on. The furniture is back in its place and things are clean again. There's nothing to do now. I'm bored and loving every minute of it.

Although the floor updating process took about 2 months from start to finish, I feel like we've dedicated a good two years to the project. We've been so busy and we've spent so much money; I'm incredibly thankful that part is over with.

Now all we have left on the "to do" list is "relax." If I can remember how to do that. I hear it's like riding a bicycle though, you never forget. I should be ok.

Big sigh of relief.
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